Some Valuable Teachings from Religious Scriptures
These are the times of chaos. With this pandemic being around now for more than six months, it has been tough for the entire world. So, I would like to share some positivity and hope and I hope that this post reaches the people who need it. I have always held a special respect for all the religious scriptures. All of these scriptures provide a valuable lesson of love, peace and morality. Let us begin.
- There are some times in the day or life in general when you feel low, have a weak spirit or you are having doubts about your past life or choices. Sometimes, these negative thoughts come in your mind and haunt you. Remember, these are the thoughts which come to you from the evil forces of life. The spirit which God gave you is a powerful one, a caring one and a sound one. This is same as the white wolf and black wolf theory. There are two wolves, two sides in your mind, one is good, it keeps you going, another is a bad one, it pulls you down. The wolf you feed is the wolf that grows. Listen to the bright side of your mind, what does it tell you? It will help you through the day and life. Reject the blabberings and thoughts of the negative side, it is from the evil. God gave you a good spirit, live it and the bad spirit is not yours, it is the doubts and negativity put in you from the world, reject them, don't listen to them. Always remember the the spirit which god gave you is a powerful and loving one, not a fearful one.
- There come times in your life when you feel doubtful and fearful for things like money and love. You feel how will you get those, or how will you manage to have enough of them in your life? Read the above lines again. Bible says here that the God feeds the birds everyday and clothes the grass everyday and they need not worry about such things. And you are much more valuable than those, God loves you and will provide for you. Don't worry about such trivialities. Your energy is better spent on bigger battles of life. Seek God and his righteousness first and all other things will be given to you.
- Let me ask you a question: Do you think you are righteous as a person? Most people will answer yes. And if you believe that you are righteous, believe this too that God will not let you go hungry. God will not ignore your prayers and God will provide what you ask him for. Just be righteous.
- What is it that you truly desire in life? Ask God and he will provide. As you know how to give good gifts to your children, God knows how to give good gifts to his children. Just have good faith and ask.
- The kingdom of God is within you. Your true potential, your hidden talents, the meaning of your life, the answers you seek outside are within you. Look within yourself and you will find a world of wonders. Believe in yourself.
- God is gracious and God is there for you. And neither your enemies, neither the devil himself can stand in your way because God is with you. Do not worry about such things as how your enemies may harm you or what the devil may be plotting against you. God is with you and as your Holy Father in heaven, he will take care of you.
- What is that you desire to do in your life? What is that you fear to do in your life? You can do anything your heart desires. Whatever a mind can conceive, can achieve through Christ. Fear not and embark on the journey your heart desires to take. It shall be delivered unto you. You are a powerful and fearless soul.
- In the beginning, there was only darkness. But God wanted light, and there occurred light. Let the same be with you. Let Lord be the light in your life. Do not just wander in the darkness. Let there be hope and optimism in your life. God is powerful and he made you a powerful soul. Let light into your life, and let all the darkness fade away.
- You are a living breathing image of God, you have immense potential, let that hidden light fall upon your life and life of those around you. You are kind and caring, powerful and generous, just as the God is.
With this I would like to end this post. God bless us everyone.